Rocket Launcher can't use homing missiles until it gets the upgrade pickup.Plasma Rifles when dual wielded can now use the alt fire for the plasma rifle in single rifle mode.Revolver now properly uses toggle/hold function in both ADS and fan firing.Armor stacks up to 400 instead of 300 now.Created a new tweak to the simple HUD an indication of your max health so you're aware of how much you can pick up and conserve.Complete rework of the revolver to remove its very prominent repetitiveness.Hitler's Buzzsaw overhauled into the MG 42, complete with very different mechanics except for how it fires.
Gameplay and weapon changes for this mod (READ IF YOU WANT TO MAKE THE MOST OUT OF THIS EXPERIENCE!)
Over the years, I made several addons with tweaks for Brutal Doom's weapons, big and small, and as my changes grew, I wanted to pack it all into a single expansion for Brutal Doom.Īll the tweaks and changes to the base gameplay will be in the text file included for guidance.